I now have a date and time for my surgery: Monday September 11, 8:30 am. For you locals, it will be at the Miami Valley Hospital Surgery Center (main campus). Interestingly enough, it is considered minor surgery! (The surgery is minor; the implications, not so much.) The surgery will include two procedures, the lumpectomy and the placement of a port for the chemo. It is an outpatient procedure.
So all positive thoughts, prayers, good vibes, etc., directed my way between now and then will be most welcome! My surgeon is Dr. Linda Barney--you might pray for her too.
Meanwhile, here's a picture of my nifty new pre-chemo haircut. I decided I'd rather let my eye get accustomed to baldness in stages, rather than waiting until my hair all starts to fall out in giant clumps. This whole situation is a shock to the system, but it comprises many individual shocks to the system. I'm trying to space those out a bit, so they don't all come down on me at once.
There will certainly be prayers, especially on Sept. 11 for you and your surgeon. When I had my lumpectomy, I had a drain inserted for a while to remove any fluid, (Lymph,blood,etc.) resulting from the procedure. You may or may not have that, but just wanted to let you know to maybe expect that. Surgeons have different ways of doing the procedure, too, and I had 5 lymph nodes removed at the same time. Smart to have the hair loss in stages! Keep your spirits up. Love you!